I'm a little late to the party. When I just clicked on to Mrs. Lemon's blog, there were 179 links on this party already. I had planned on linking up with Made it Monday, but I haven't finished my projects yet and I forgot to take a picture of some that I had at school. So hopefully tomorrow.
I think I probably share a lot about me on my blog as it is so I've been trying to think of a few things that I haven't shared yet. And then I remembered that I haven't shared any wedding pictures. I got married on June 16th of this year. If you follow me than you know all about that already. I was lucky enough to have our art teacher at school be my photographer. I'm not that photogenic and it was nice having someone I knew take my pictures. I also had a very small wedding and it was nice having a friend there.
So I'm going to share some wedding pictures and along the way share some other things about me.
This is me before getting in my dress. My sister did my hair and make up. Hair and make up aren't really my thing. My mom bought me all new make up for the wedding and made me promise to use. I do pretty well during school time but this summer I only wear make up maybe once a week.
Here is my sister lacing me up. I loved my dress. I really wanted a short dress but they were a lot harder to find than I thought they would be. This dress is a high-low dress. My sister is one of my best friends. We're only 2 years apart and have always been pretty close. Not to say that we didn't fight because we did. We even lived together for 2 years in college in a condo.
This is my brother in law and niece. I love my niece, Sophie, more than I ever thought I could love anyone. She's hilarious and a lot like me. I've been lucky enough to keep her on Mondays this summer. I like this picture because she was determined she was going to wear her one cookie monster sock to the wedding. She's a little on the stubborn side and likes to have her way. My sister thinks that comes from me.
This is where we got married at. The view was amazing. My mom and her friend made did all our flowers. My parents own a florist for a few years when I was in college. I had to skip class on valentine's day to help my parents deliver flowers one year.
I got to ride a golf cart from our cabin at the bed and breakfast to the wedding site. Here's my dad and I right before the ceremony. He told me a funny story about growing up and riding in the back of a truck while we were riding to the site. We had to wait a few minutes before we could go to the site because my in laws who are in Africa were trying to set up skype so they could see the ceremony.
Chris has a sister and niece too. I love Kaley as much as I love Sophie. I feel priviledge to be the aunt of two sweet and spunky little girls that I have known since they were born. We had our sisters stand with us during the wedding and then our nieces were our flower girls. I hadn't planned on them actually having baskets with petals but Chris wanted it. So we did. They were so good during the ceremony.
Chris's parents couldn't be at the wedding because they are missionaries in Zambia, Africa. His dad and step mom both wrote letters to us to be read at the wedding. It was a tear jerker. Our pastor at our church married us. He's known Chris since he was in high school. He was the perfect person to marry us.

We did a sand ceremony which was really neat. Our pastor put white sand down first and last to symbolize Christ in our lives. That's probably one of the best things about my relationship with Chris. I worked with the youth group at my church before we got together and so did he. Now we do it together and I love it. We also try to read a devotion each night before we go to bed. We try to keep Christ center in our lives. We also had a candle lit for Chris's mom. She passed away right before his senior year. We wanted to honor those who couldn't be with us. So we had a picture of his mom and then a picture with his dad and step mom. I also got to wear some of Chris's mom's jewelry for the wedding which was pretty special. I wish I had the chance to know her.
This is my favorite picture from the wedding. I want to have an 8x10 made of it to hang up in the house. I think it sums up Chris and I. He handled all the music for our wedding and he was singing to me after the ceremony was over.
I've said we had a small wedding but I'm not sure people really know how small it was. This is a picture of everyone that was there. I think there were 17 adults and 2 toddlers. I have always wanted a small wedding and I'm glad we spent wedding money on a honeymoon instead of a large wedding.
I also love this picture of me and Soph. We were hoping she would do something funny during the ceremony but she didn't. We thought she might yell "No KK" or "No Ris" when we kissed. She doesn't like displays of affection unless they involve her. But she didn't. I think Chris was disappointed.
This sums Chris and I up pretty well. He's seriously the funniest person I know. I love him so much and can't believe I'm lucky enough to marry my best friend. Funny thing. He's a vet and I'm not a pet person.
This is me and my grandmother. She's one of my favorite people in the whole world. I call her Ama. I was always told it was because I couldn't say grandma or maybe I just thought that. But the truth is she didn't want to be a grandmother at 40 when I was born. My parents were young when they got married and had me. When I lived in Nashville, she came and volunteered in my classroom. She tutored 2 of my boys that didn't speak any English.
Here's me and Kaley. She wasn't in the best mood during the wedding. But she's a sweetheart.
Here's me and my sisters. I'm so excited to have a new sister. Chris and Michelle are really close and they just live down the road from us.
Last but not least, here's me and Amanda. She did an amazing job with the pictures. It was perfect.
So in sharing my wedding pictures, hopefully you learned a little bit more about me. But I thought I would share a few random things about me:
1. I love Elvis Presley. Like I have to watch his movies if they are on tv and I know most of his songs by heart. I also have an ornament on my tree that my dad got me one year for Christmas.
2. I like things to be even. I like for the volume if it has a number to be an even number. I really like for my class to have even numbers and don't mind when I get a new student if it makes me have an even number.
3. I love to read. I use to sleep with 1 or 2 books in my bed. Now that I'm married, I sleep with a boy. Which is just now getting to be not weird.
4. I cried when I finished reading the Harry Potter series because I felt like I was saying goodbye to old friends. I am so excited they are available on the kindle now for free with Amazon Prime. I'm starting to read them all over again.
5. I love love love purple. But my wedding colors weren't purple at all. They were blue and red. Which now that I'm typing that I realize that blue and red make purple. Interesting.
So I was going to post a flash freebie but TPT is still down. So, I'll be back with a post later tonight offering a flash freebie.
In the meantime, be sure to check out Mrs. Lemon's Step into 2nd Grade party and find out more about your fellow bloggers.