1. The first pin is about whole brain teaching. While I was on vacation, I read the book Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids. I am hooked on the idea and I can't wait to get things going for next year.
2. Here's another whole brain resource. This pin takes you to a blog that has a ton of examples of WBT in action. It is also an honest look at implementing the strategies.
3. Timers on a bracelet. I love this idea. I am terrible about keeping up with time. I have been using my iphone for timing things but I don't always keep it right by me. So I love this idea. I need to implement this next year. (I'm loving these parties because it reminds me of what I want to do next year.)
4. No name board. This is on my summer to do list. I hate all the papers I get with no name on it. I would love to have a place to hang them. I had planned on going to hobby lobby to get the supplies yesterday but my niece wouldn't have it.
5. Homework Bingo - The class that I just had was great about turning in their homework. I didn't have to bribe them or anything. But the group I had before was not like this at all. So I love to have a few ideas in my pocket for how to motivate kids to get their homework turned in.
6.Part of Whole Brain Teaching is the Class/Yes responses. I like that but I think it would be fun to change it up sometimes. So here's a pin with different call and responses.
7. I love this idea for keeping track of who might need help on a concept later. I don't know if this is exactly how I would do it in my classroom, but I like the idea.
8. Ron Clark is one of my favorite teachers. I love his ideas on classroom management. I love this idea of buttons that was inspired by him. They are a great reward for students who do well.Plus they can be reused.
9. I got these coupons from Melissa Dillard last year but I haven't printed them out. That is definitely a must for next year. I love these ideas and they aren't a treasure box.
10. My last pin is another Whole Brain teaching resource. It comes from a friend of mine, Melissa from Transitional Kindergarten.
She has tons of ideas and resources for WBT. This is a powerpoint that is perfect for introducing the WBT concepts and the best part is it's fre.
So those are my 10 pins all about classroom management. I hope to share more about WBT as I get into it. I would love to hear about your experiences using it. Be sure to head over to the party at Just Reed and see what others have pinned.

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