So here are 13 things from my year:
Big girl panties were a big part of our summer.
Here are they are working on a Venn diagram comparing themselves.
1. Books I've read:
These are two series that I have really enjoyed this year. I write down all the books I read. I read so much I can't keep up with it if I don't. This year I've read clost to 80 books.
2. Trips Taken:
Chris and I have been on several great trips this year. We went to a comic book convention in Charolette, NC with some friends. It was a blast.
Then we went on vacation just the two of us to Topsail, NC. This is us on our one year anniversary!
Right before school started we went to Charleston, SC with my family. It was a blast going to the beach with my sweet niece.
Our last trip was a business one for Chris and I tagged along. It was to St. Simon's Island, GA.
3. Summer reading outreach program was something I'm really proud of. My BFF Cassie and I started this program through the public library. We took books out and read with kids. It was loads of fun. 
4. Summers with Sophie
I was lucky enough to get to keep my sweet girl once a week through the summer. We had a blast on our Mondays.
Here we are the carousel at Dollywood.
5. Big News
We found out in May that my sister was pregnant and I was going to be an aunt again and soph was going to be a big sister. Here's a picture from the dinner where we found out the gender. 
Chandler - Kate will be here January 13. I can't wait.
6. New things I've tried in school this year
I finally cleaned out the sand table in my room and turned into a sensory table. Here's a pic with the corn in it.
I'm also really excited about the fourth grade buddies we've been doing. My friend Cassie and I have partnered up and it's been amazing. I need to post an update with all the fun and learning we've had.
7. Girls' ministry - this past Fall I started a high school girls group. It is something I had been wanting for a while and it finally all came together. It has been great. Here's a picture from one night where we made scarves from t-shirts.
8. Favorite picture of the year has to be this picture from Chris's birthday party Sunday. We had both of our families over which meant both of the nieces were there. They haven't spent much time together but it's clear they both love their uncle Chris.
9. Favorite Activity with my class was our end of the year party. My class I had the past 2 years was my favorite one so far. It was really hard to say goodbye to them. I have a good class now but there was something special about this last one. I also had room moms that rocked. I could tell them my ideas and they would make it happen. We read the first Harry Potter and then had a Harry Potter party. They decorated wands, played pin the lightning scar on Harry, made owls and ate themed food.
10. Favorite pin
I love pinning clothes. I think I've been a lot more experimental with my clothing choices. This is just one of the outfits I love.
10. Instagram love
I've been on Instagram since 2012 but it was his past year that I really have gotten into it. You can follow me at mskerriskrazyklass. I love Instagram challenges. My bloggy BFF, Laura from Kinder Krazinesss has one starting tomorrow. Be sure to join the fun!
11. My favorite blog post for the year was all about making colored rice for my sensory bin. Check it out here.
12. Goals for the new year
I want to read my Bible more, get healthier and get more organized. This past year I stopped drinking Diet Coke and gave up all forms of artificial sugars. So this year I want to work on exercising more. It has been over a year since I had my knee surgery and it's time to exercise more.
13. One little word
I mentioned at the beginning of this very long post (I have been working on this for days now), that I've been taking medicine that makes me nauseous. I'm taking this medicine to help with trying to get pregnant. It has been a struggle and I'm hoping in this new year it will happen. My sister gave me a bracelet for Christmas with an anchor and a couple of verses about hope. So my word for the year is faith. I have faith that it will all happen in God's timing.
Be sure to head over to any of the lovely hostesses blogs and see what everyone else has been up to. I linked up with Hadar at Miss Kindergarten.