I am linking up with a year of many firsts and her stuffed with thankful thoughts linky. I had my surgery on Friday on my knee and I'm hanging out at my parents house during some of the recovery. I am using my mom's iPad so i don't have the cute graphic but I do have a lot to be thankful for.
1. I am so thankful for my husband! We've been married now 5 months and I don't know what I would do without him. He's taking really good care of me as I recover.
2. My parents. They are the best under normal circumstances. They have always put my sister and I first. But this weekend they have let Chris and I have their room while I'm recovering and my dad is taking great care of me while I'm home.
3. My sister is my best friend. I am so blessed to have a great friend in my sister.
4. My nieces. I have 2 sweet nieces who are sassy and make me laugh a lot. I love being an aunt more than I could have ever dreamed. Sophie came to visit Saturday and she was hugging on me. It was sweet. She knew I was under the weather.
5. My school family- I love where I teach at and they have been so supportive with my surgery. Our art teacher fixed me a really sweet care package. She tore her acl a few years ago and she's been great resource.
6. Church and that I have a loving God who died for my sins!
7. That I have a warm place to sleep and food and so much more than I ever need.
8. Access to good health care. I feel very thankful that I have pretty good insurance and everyone I've encountered through this surgery was so kind.
It has taken me 2 days to write this post. All the medicine I'm on knocks me out off and on. I have a freebie I hope to share later this week and several ideas for things to create. I'm also participating in the cyber Monday sale on tpt Monday and Tuesday. Be sure to check out the party over at a year of many firsts and see what others are thankful for!