Anyway, we had a great first full week of school. I had every intention of taking some pictures to show you the fun things we did but I was too tired when I left school yesterday. I was trying to get all my stuff done so I wouldn't haven't to bring anything home plus getting ready for the first sub of the year. Yuck! I've been called for jury duty and I don't feel right about trying to get out of it. I think if I want my students to be responsible citzens then I need to set the example. Plus last time I was called I was able to get out of it because I was teaching somewhere else. My husband's aunt passed away this week and we still aren't sure when the services are going to be. We thought they could be Monday so I went ahead and prepared for the whole day instead of just a half a day. I had to update all my sub information for the year. I use Crystal from Kreative in Kinder's Sub Tub. She was kind enough to send it to me for one of her everyone wins giveaway. I love it. You should check it out if you are looking for a good sub tub. It's got enough information but it's not overwhelming.
This week we focused on reading and what readers do. I did a lot of activities from Abby Mullins' pack Ready to Read. This is a gret packet. If you haven't checked it out you should. We used our poem Bog Reads and set reading goals. I was really proud of the goals my students set. I knew one little girl had been talking it over with her mom because her goal was to read between 10-20 books this year. We made the banner and I'll have to share a picture next week. It looks really good. I loved Abby's suggestions for books this week too. Here are some of the books we read:
These are great books if you haven't checked them out. I especially loved Hooray for Reading day. It's a great book if you have kids that are struggling with reading. We also did some great activities from Kim Adsit's Blasting Off with Reader's Workshop. THis is a great unit for introducing reader's workshop. After reading the Growing Readers book, this was the perfect compliment for some of the things I am wanting to accomplish this year. Some of the activities were a little basic for my first graders who I had last year. I already knew where they were at. Next week we're going to start our author's study of Kevin Henkes. I'm pretty excited about it. Check back next week to see what we did.