So go check Lacey out and give her some love if you don't know her.

In my craziness that is the end of the school year, I've seen a ton of fun linky parties out there. I haven't had time to link up with any of them, but being awake at 4:30 there is no time like the present. I have several projects that I want to work on with my teaching this summer and have several professional books to read to help me with that. So I'm linking up with Clutter Free Classroom's Summer Reading party.
The biggest thing I want to work on this summer to have set up next year is math work stations and differentiating my math instruction. So of course I've got Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations book to read. I also have this book Math for All that has been on my shelves for a few years. I haven't had time to read it so I'm hoping this summer will be the time.
Eventually I would like to read the Cafe book as well but I'm not sure that's on the schedule for the summer. My second big project to work on for the school year is my writing instruction. I don't know that I will be able to implement quite what I want to next year if I'm going to focus on Math but I think adding a little here and there will be good. So I plan to participate in the book study Mrs. Wills is hosting for the book In Pictures and Words.
I also hope to read a lot of non professional fiction books. Books full of mystery. Books full of other people's lives. Books full of futuristic societies. I love to read and in the summer I can sometimes find myself reading several books a week.
Summer hasn't officially started for me yet. I still have a day and half of work time at school. But it's already shaping up to be a busy summer. I'm going to keep my almost 2 year old niece, Sophie, once a week. I'm starting to teach a class at church on Wednesday nights for 1st and 2nd graders. Then the month of July, I'm going to be tutoring some of my students. I have 6 signed up. We'll see how it actually pans out when July rolls around. And there is the the business of getting married and being a wife. That happens in 17 days or so.I am also trying to plan a workshop type thing for my school sharing some of the things I've learned through blogging. It is just an idea in my head right now. With our new evaluation system, to get a good score on some of the professional rubric you need to lead things. So I've been turning this idea over in my head. I would love to share the things that I've learned and it would help with getting a higher score in my evaluation.
I'm excited about all that is going on.What are you reading? Check out Clutter Free Classroom's Party.