I am really pleased with how well this went. I still need to work more on meeting with my groups and doing some word work with them. But I think I'm making progress with my goal of improving my group instruction. I have one group where they are all reading on at least a 2nd grade level. I haven't really been sure what to do with them. I don't have but a couple of sets of chapter books where I have more than 2 copies of. So the four students are reading different books. They read a chapter at home each night and then we work on different comprehension skills. One day we worked on character because they were all reading Junie B. Jones. This week we worked on text to self connections and then tomorrow they are suppose to summarize what they have read so far. I try to check in with this group even when I don't actually meet with them. They tell me what chapter they are on and I try to tell them what skill I want them to focus on. My groups aren't perfect but they are progress. I have the graphic organizers as a freebie if you are interested. They are pretty simple but they did the trick. (Click here)
Let me know if you find these useful. I love it when people can use what I create for my class.
I'm working on starting reading notebooks with my kids. Then they have a place to respond to the different books and stories we read in class. Today we used the story map from my Monster Mapping for Stories product. I copy these 2 to a page so they fit perfectly in a composition book. Once I get these going, I'll blog about them.
The last thing I wanted to share was about my Sweet Hubby. He's a veterinarian and since we're studying about birds this week, he brought a few animals in. He brought the clinic cat, Martha, an Indian ring neck parakeet, Beaker, and a Moluccan Cockatoo, Zachary. The kids loved it. I am lucky that Chris enjoys doing stuff like this and he's great with kids. Here's a couple of pictures from today.
I hope you're staying safe if you are in the areas of thunderstorms and tornadoes. We're experiencing a lot of flooding. I was hoping for a five day week this week but it could be iffy if the rain continues.