Sunday, October 20, 2013

Peek at My Week

It has been a busy but good weekend. Yesterday I spent some time with my mom, sister and niece. It was a great fall day and we decorated some Halloween cookies. Today was spent with some high school girls from church. We've started a girls group for our youth girls. Today was our second monthly meeting and it was a lot of fun. We made scarves out of t-shirts which was a pretty neat craft. Now I'm sitting on the couch listening to the Broncos/Colts game. I'm a sucker for Peyton Manning. I got a little teary eyed when they were playing his press conference after the Colts let him go. I'm a Tennessee girl so Peyton is my man. Anyway, this coming week is going to be busy busy as usual. We're going to be learning all about the letter t, sight word we, characters in stories and numbers 11-20. We're also going to be doing some pumpkin activities. I use to always do pumpkins the week we do the letter p but our letter order is different and I don't want to be rushed the week of Halloween. I'm pretty excited about doing some pumpkin activities from Deanna Jump's Pumpkin Palooza Pack.
I'm linking up with DeeDee Wills for a Peek at My Week.
Remember to see the links you need to download the pdf from google docs here. Visual Plans for October 21st. 

We're starting new centers this week. My centers in theory last 2 weeks. Students go to one center a day and there are 10 centers. But we had some testing and fire prevention activities so this past round lasted about 3 weeks. It seems to be going better to have my math centers during literacy center time. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a math workshop going in the next few weeks. We're moving on to numbers 11-20 and I still have a few students who don't have 1-10. Be sure to head over to DeeDee's blog and check out what other people are doing in their class this week.

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