I have been wanting to link up with my Bloggy BFF Laura at Kinder Kraziness for her Math Monday party for a couple of weeks. But as I'm learning life with a baby doesn't always let me do these things. But she's still sleeping, so I'm taking advantage.
I think I'm a pretty good reading teacher but I feel like my math instruction can always use some work. I love the workshop format that Deanna Jump and DeeDee Wills have set up in their Guided math units. But I don't always follow that format. One of my goals for this coming up school year is to make my math a little more workshop like. Our math series for the past 4 years or so has been Envisions and it wasn't the greatest. But we're getting a new series this Fall so I'm interested to see what it is like. I've always supplemented my instruction with activities that I've created or found on TPT. One of my favorite things to do is incorporate games into my lesson. The kids have a blast and they don't even realize they are learning. Plus once we play the games a few times in class, I move the games into their math center. I would love to say I use Math Workstations but I have never been able to get that to work for me. So as part of my center time, I have two math centers the kids work on. There are lots of different games that we play but today I'm going to focus on dice games.
I almost always start the year off with a roll and cover game. They are pretty easy for kindergartners to learn how to play and they can be differentiated pretty easily.
The beginnign of kindergarten I like to focus on Pete the Cat and Jennifer Knopf from Herding Kats in Kindergarten has a roll and cover that I use. You can check it out here. I also like roll and color which is the same concept just you color the picture instead of cover it. I have one of these in my newest math pack Sweet Treats.
I tried it with my niece today and she had a lot of fun.
I found a freebie I posted some time a while back of a roll and cover with a pet theme. You can get it here. It is simple but it gets the job done.
Another dice game that I love is Bump. The kids love this one too. They can practice their numbers and they have the opportunity to bump their friends off of places. I made a freebie for you that I'll be using the beginning of the year with a blue cat theme. Sophie and I tried it out today and she had a blast playing it.
I try to include some kind of dice game in any unit I create for math. Another one that has dice games is Growing A Garden of Math Activities. There is a bump game in this unit for spring or a plant theme.
Last year in first grade, I bought Just Add Dice Math Games Bundle from Jennifer at First Grade Blue Skies. I loved this bundle. I could find a game for any first grade skill I was looking for and there was a theme for anything. This became one of my favorite resources to use through out the year.
Hopefully I'll be back again next Monday to talk about some more Math games that I use. But meanwhile check out the party at Kinder Kraziness and see what others are doing in math.
This year I start my 12th year teaching and have felt like maybe I was at a crossroads with teaching. I have been on maternity leave since Christmas break. I love being home with my daughter and thought maybe it was time to say goodbye to teaching. But after a lot of praying and studying, I am returning the classroom. It isn't possible financially for me to stay at home but more than that I still have work to do as a teacher. A few months ago, I was participating in a Bible study on the book What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst. Through this study I knew that God was still calling me to be a teacher. I feel pretty strongly that teaching is a calling from God. Part of why I was thinking of leaving teaching was because of all the difficulties we are facing in the classroom these days. My class size and responsibilities are growing. My freedom to really teach is slowly being taken away. I left in December feeling pretty beaten down. Of course the pregnancy hormones probably played a big role in that. I am participating in another Bible study from Proverbs 31 ministries and this morning my reading got me thinking about my journey as a teacher. The things I have been through that have led me to where I am now. I thought I would share and maybe it would encourage a new teacher or remind a veteran teacher of what it was like to be a new teacher. So here is my teaching story. It is a long story so grab a coffee and settle in.
I went to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The teaching program at UT is a five year program. You major in something else besides teaching and then complete an extra year getting your masters and doing your student teaching. I student taught in first grade and learned a lot. I learned a lot about school culture because we started on the first inservice day and ended on the last inservice day. I learned about needing a best teaching partner and about not eating in the teachers' lounge. I learned about trying to do what was best for our students and what was required of us. But it still didn't prepare me for my own classroom.
I decided that I was moving to Nashville after I finished my masters classes. Several of my friends lived there and my extended family was there. I got an early contract saying that I would have a job come August. I remember my first interview just like it was yesterday. My mom and I got up early and drove to Nashville so I could interview at this middle school for a job that I knew I didn't want. But I was too scared to say no to an interview. I was offered the job but declined it because I knew middle school teacher wasn't for me. Eventually I returned to Nashville over the fourth of July and interviewed at a couple of other schools. By this time I had a lease on an apartment and was excited to interview at a fairly new school not too far from my house. I was interviewing for a first grade position which seemed perfect since I had done my student teaching in first grade. I returned home without knowing whether I had gotten this job or not. A few days later the principal called me and said she was in Knoxville, could I meet her to discuss a different position. We met at Macalisters on the strip and she offered me a third grade ELL position. I had no idea what she was talking about but I liked the idea of being at a fairly new school near my house. So I accepted the position. The first time I went to see my classroom I was so disappointed. Here I was in this school that was only a few years old and I was in a portable. And it was a disgusting portable. And it was no where near any of the other third grade teachers. They were all inside on the second floor. I was smack in the middle of fourth grade. But I made that room as homey as I could. This was before Teachers Pay Teachers and creating my own classroom materials. I quickly found the closest teacher supply store and found things to make the room better. This first year was definitely a learning experience. Being an ELL teacher, I had a self contained classroom of third graders who English was not their first language. I was suppose to have a small class. But instead I had 21 students. 3 spoke no English at all. 19 of them were boys. I was in way over my head.
This is me on the first parent night ever. I was so nervous and really had no idea what I was doing. While I thought this was the hardest thing I would ever have to do at the time, looking back on it I have such fond memories of this first class. My grandmother would come in once or twice a week and work with my kids that didn't know much English. I made great teacher friends who I could cry with and grade papers with and plan with. My best teaching memory from this year was a student who came in not knowing any English and being terrified. He would meltdown and refuse to move like a preschooler regularly. But I learned that he had just come into the country to live with his mom who was living with an abusive boyfriend. We worked through all that and at the end of the year he stood up and read a three paragraph paper about his favorite things in third grade. That is one of those moments I hang on to when teaching gets hard and I feel discouraged. Here's another picture of me that first year and my lovely room.
The next year I was moved into the school building with the other third grade teachers. My best teaching friend and I planned together a lot. I had so much freedom with what I was teaching and I loved it. If there had been teacher blogs and TPT then, I would have been all over them. I was open to anything new. This picture is of the girls in my class and me dressed as Junie B. Jones.
A new school was built down the road that was opening the next year and some of the students from our school were being moved to this new school. That meant some of the teachers would have to leave too. My principal that I worked for was not always on the up and up with us. In fact, we were a pretty tight staff because we had to stick together. She wouldn't tell me if I was the last one hired or not. So when the principal at the new school contacted me to interview for the third grade ELL position, I jumped on it. She was your dream principal and I ended up taking the job at this brand new school. The school wasn't finished until the week of inservice. The school wasn't even approved for kids until 7 am the first day of school. It was such a cool experience getting to start a new school. I loved it. I loved my principal and assistant principal and I loved my teammates. But I started to miss my home in East Tennessee. So at the end of this school year, I packed my stuff up and headed home. In case you are counting, this would be the fourth time I packed up my classroom and moved to a new one. Thanks to my aunt and uncle and then my dad.
Now when I moved back home I had no job just some connections. I also had no apartment. I was moving back in with my parents who didn't really have room for me anymore. My sister had just graduated college and was living back at home too until she got married in May. But I felt like this was where I was suppose to be. I went to a job fair for the county and was basically told they couldn't hire anyone anytime soon. I left and cried. I had left a job I loved and tenure to come home to hear there are no jobs. I was told not to worry about it that there were jobs and come July they would be hiring. And that was right. In July I got a couple of calls for interviews. I ended up interviewing at my old elementary school that was down the street from my parents for a kindergarten/first grade looping job. I really didn't know anything about kindergarten but accepted the job when it was offered. I spent the remainder of the summer reading about kindergarten. I was so excited to start my new job but terrified. My sister helped me get my room ready and I met a new teaching friend who was also new to teaching and new to kindergarten. I love my school that I teach at now. I've been there for going on 9 years now. But that first year was hard. There hadn't been very many new young teachers in a while and there was a lot we had to figure out on our own. We did a lot of things wrong because we were told wrong or because we weren't told the right thing to do.
My first day of school as a kindergarten teacher was a blur. The only thing I can distinctly remember is the student who was crying and singing "If you're happy and you know it."
Remember how I said my first year teaching was the hardest thing I ever thought I would have to do. I was so wrong. My first 6 weeks in kindergarten was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Part of it is just how kindergarten is. The first six weeks is the hardest but a lot of what made my experience so hard could have been prevented.
I truly had no idea what to do with kindergartners. I had zero experience as a kindergarten teacher and how much they didn't know. I'm also not the smiley, warm and fuzzy type. I love my kids but it takes a lot of effort on my part to be smiley and upbeat. I live in a small community and it didn't take long before some parents were complaining about me. (In fact, I had a parent call and complain on the first day of school because I wouldn't let her son play with the counting bears. Of course the fact that he was throwing them at other students wasn't mentioned at all) I was struggling and I was mad at myself for struggling so much. I am an overachiever and I'm use to succeeding and I was drowning. In the middle of the day, I got called to the principal's office for a meeting with my principal, assistant principal and the teacher next door (Who I had known since I was in 7th grade). This caught me off guard as they told me that parents were concerned that I wasn't warm and fuzzy enough for kindergarten. Of course I cried and really didn't know what to do. I was prepared to fix my teaching but how do you fix your personality. Luckily, it wasn't just a meeting to tell me what I was doing wrong, they had some ideas to help me connect with the parents better . I was crushed though. I went home and cried to my dad and really didn't know what to do. I'm so thankful that I have parents who believe in me and a dad that knew that I just needed to cry. (As I write this, I still cry a little over it.)
The assistant principal set up a visit at another school for me so I could get some help. It helped a lot to visit this other classroom and in another school where my troubles weren't so widely known. I also held an open house and took the opportunity to interact with the parents in my class in a less stressful environment. But the damage had been done. I really doubted myself and probably still do doubt myself as a kindergarten teacher because of this. I was also told by someone from central office that I didn't have the personality of a kindergarten teacher when he came to observe me. He had nothing negative to say about my lesson. But thought I wasn't warm and fuzzy enough with the kids by not letting them talk to me during the lesson about whatever they wanted. My opinion then and now is that during teaching time is not a time to share and let students hang all over me. If you wanted to see how I interact with the kids like that, come during recess or free center time. Those are the times when the kids come and talk to me and tell me what is going on with them.
This class was the most difficult class I have ever had. They continue to be a difficult class and teachers in other grades can't believe the mix of kids I had for two years because I looped with them. But I learned a lot those two years and am a much better teacher because of it. But I believe some of this could have been prevented. Here's what I hope you take from my story:
- Reach out to new teachers in your grade and in your building. I have made an effort to do this since I had this experience. If someone had reached out to me, I think I could have had a better year. There were so many things that I didn't know about the school culture and no one told me. In fact, one of my co-workers was doing everything she could to prevent me from having a good year.
- If a teacher is struggling, don't talk about it with the parents in your community. Talk to the teacher, see if you can help or stay out of it.
- If you are starting your first year, it will be hard but you can get through it. Find a teacher to be friends with.
- IF you are starting your first year, don't be so hard on yourself. You will struggle and it's ok.
I'm starting my 9th year at this school and in kindergarten and first grade this fall. I still am not a smiley person but I have learned how to put on a smile for my kids. I know the first 6 weeks is going to be hard and I can get through it. I know that if I spend more time enjoying my kids and less time worrying about other teachers, things will be good. I have also learned to ask for help and to offer help.
I have planned on posting all week long but it just hasn't happened. My sweet girl has had a difficult week. She has decided that she no longer wants to sleep longer than 2-3 hours at a time at night. She had been sleeping for at least 5-6 hours at a time for a while so this has been a difficult adjustment. She also has decided that she wants to get up early. Usually I get up by 7 so I can have my quiet time, start chores and do whatever else before she gets up at 8:30 or 9. This makes posting and updating things difficult. I'm working on updating some old units that I have on TPT. I'm kind of embarrassed by some it. Right now I'm working on my Cupcake Math Unit and giving it a complete overhaul. This was my first unit I ever created and I did it on publisher. I don't have publisher anymore so I'm having to start from scratch on ppt. But I'm really pleased with what I've been working on. I can't wait to use it this fall when school starts back. Here's a sneak peak:
I love this clipart from Creative Clips. I plan on overhauling a lot of my activities with new clipart, fonts and activities. But first I need to organize my clipart. Currently is by artist but I have a hard time knowing what I have so I need to work on a different way.
I'm linking up again with Reading Toward the Stars for her weekly Book talk party.
Last week I wrote about what I've been reading. I've finished a book or two since then but I wanted to blog about alphabet books. I try to read a book or two to Sweet girl everyday and every night her daddy reads to us before bedtime. We've been reading The Chronicles of Narnia during this time and are on the 5th one I think. I know it's advanced for a 5 month old but I love this time as a family and we've enjoyed it.
I had a Hawaiian themed baby shower at my school because that was the theme we were going with Sweet girl's nursery so she got several Hawaiian themed gifts. One was an awesome alphabet book.
Animals Sing Aloha
I love this book because it is like the traditional alphabet book that has a letter and then something that starts with a letter but it also has the sound as part of the song and letters kids can trace with lines for how you would write the letter. Obviously my 5 month old is not doing that but we are talking about the letters and their sounds in a fun way.
We also got the Dr. Seuss ABC book.
It is another fun read with alliteration and silly animals. This one is just a fun one to read and gives another opportunity to talk about letters.
The last one I discovered accidentally. It wasn't a gift at a shower but a book I already had and hadn't read. I love Sandra Boyton's books. They are perfect for little ones. Her A to Z book is no different.
This book has an animal that starts with the letter and then an action word. The animal is doing the action. I could see a lot of potential for this book in the classroom. There is another book that is similar that is animals and adjectives.
What I love about these alphabet books is that it gives us the opportunity to talk about letters in a fun way. A friend of mine is working on her phd in reading and she read that reading alphabet books at home is one of the best ways for kids to learn letters. Because at home they have the opportunity to talk about and interact with the letters. So that is now her go to gift for new babies and kids.
I have a freebie to share with you that is a couple of activities to do after reading some alphabet books. They aren't earth shattering but they could make a neat class book. Click here to get the file.
What are your favorite alphabet books and what do you do with them? If you download this file, I would love to hear about it.
If you know anything about me, it is that I'm a reader. Reading is about like breathing to me. If I'm not reading at least one book, I feel a little lost. One of my coworkers told me that would change once I had a baby. But that's not the case with me. Since being at home in January, I have read about 30 books. What has changed is how I read books. At first, I couldn't read books that required two hands. My phone, kindle, and iPad have been my best friend. It was nice to have my books on my iPhone while I was in the hospital having Sus. She was in the NICU so our stay was a little different than I was expecting. I was glad to have something to attempt to distract me from wanting to have my baby with me and be at home. I get a lot of my books from my local library through Ereads and the app Overdrive. If you like to read ebooks you need to see if your library is a part of this. I have to wait some for more popular books but it has saved me so much money. There are a lot of audiobooks as well (or as I call them. Books on Tape). I just started listing to the audiobooks. It isn't my favorite way to read, but I listen to them while Sus and I take our walks. It takes me a lot longer to listen than it does to read them. I've been trying to come up with things to blog about and books I'm reading is always a good topic. So I was excited to see this linky party from Reading towards the Stars.
So here are some books that I've read lately.
First up is this series by Jacqueline Winspear, Maisie Dobbs.
This book is set after World War I in England. The main character is a psychologist/investigator. I'm on book 6 of the series and am loving it. I'm all about England during this time period right now and there are historical elements along with a mystery. Maisie Dobbs is a very intriguing and lovable character.
I read this book Family Pictures by Jane Green recently as well. It was a good read about family dynamics. Nothing earth shattering but an easy read. Same with All Fall Down. It is the story of a mom who has a drug problem.
I've been reading Elizabeth Peters's Amelia Peabody series. They are set in late 1800s England/Egypt about an archeologist and her family's adventures. I love mysteries and these are a mystery without a lot of gore.
Still Live with Bread Crumbs is the story of a photographer who moves from New York City to the mountains and the changes she goes through.
The last two are books I read a while ago but they were good. I listened to Bringing up Bebe a month or two ago. It is the observations of an American journalist raising her children in Paris. I found it completely fascinating about how Parisians raise their children. So interesting!
The last one Mr. Churchill's Secretary is the first in the Maggie Hope series. This series is set in England during World War II. Maggie Hope is the main character and she starts as Winston's Churchill's secretary but by the end of the book she is spy.
So those are my books I've been reading. I like a wide variety of books and would love to hear about what you are reading.
So I guess I have been in denial these past five months that I'm going to be returning to the classroom in August. So with that denial came neglecting my blog. I have been very focused on being a mom to this sweet girl.
But now that summer is here, I am coming to terms with having to go back to school in August. Not that I have a child care situation yet or is Sweet girl taking a bottle yet. But it will be here before I know it.
I will back in kindergarten with a new set of kids and I really enjoyed reading the blog posts from Mary at Sharing Kindergarten's Linky party and thought I would join in.
My husband is dreading my return to kindergarten until October because it is so hard and I'm so stressed. But I have learned that if I take my time and focus on procedures and management pieces then the teaching of the academics will come much easier. I always want to jump into the reading and writing and math but I try to focus on the making a line, sitting on the carpet, behavior during lunch, not getting up and wandering around the room first.
When I first started teaching kindergarten, I'm not sure that I really understood five and six year olds. But after 8 years in kindergarten and first grade, and 3 nieces later, I have a better understanding of the kids. I was criticized my first year teaching for not being touchy feely enough and I still think that there is a time and a place. During the middle of the lesson is not necessarily the place for stories and hugs. But I always try to listen to them during recess, lunch and other down times. I always start the day by greeting them at the door with a good morning and a smile and we always end the day with the kids choosing to give a hug, high five or handshake. I'm not a hugger by nature with adults and try to respect kids that might not be huggers either.
So those are my tips! I'm not looking forward to leaving my sweet girl in August. I have enjoyed my time at home with her more than I ever imagined. But I'm hoping to get back into reading blogs, writing blogs, and creating new activities this summer. So check back again! Meanwhile, check out the other great Kindergarten posts here.