I'm so happy for a Saturday this weekend. I enjoyed our weekend away last week but it is nice to be at home and not have any real plans either. I'm wish I had been able to sleep in but my brain was way too full. There are some things going on with our community and the sale of some land connected with our school. I have no control over any it so it doesn't do any good to worry about it. But it was going over and over in my mind this morning. Anyway, I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her 5 for Friday linky party.

I actually took several pictures this week which is amazing. Of course most of them are during center time because that's the only time I have a chance to take pictures. My literacy stations are going pretty well, Next week we're going to try 2 rotations a day. Math is a different story. I think I have them all taught now so hopefully they'll be able to do them this week. My biggest issues is that we do them in the afternoon after rest time. It is a little too rushed. I'm going to try a different schedule this week and see if that helps.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the week:
1. Sunset Sunday night. We were still at the beach on Sunday so I took this picture of the night sky. It was a great and relaxing trip (at least for me. Chris was busy in meetings.) Sunday was really nice. We spent most of the day at the pool.
2. Literacy center pictures:
Our writing station has been focused on writing their names.
I used an editable kit from Maggie at Maggie's Kinder Corner for the writing part. They had to make their names out of magnetic letters first.
Computer station is working on starfall.com. We're still working on how we work together in centers. It cracks me up that they are so far away from each other.
3. Math Stations:
I finally got these pipe cleaners and beads together for this station. I cut a pipe cleaner in half and labeled them with masking tape. I used numbers 1-10 and made 2 of each number.
I introduced roll and cover games to the kids last week and they loved them.
So this week I used these nursery rhymes ones from Jennifer Knopf. They are a freebie so check it out. They love this game. I think a couple of them might be ready for 2 dice.
3. Field Trip:
We had our first field trip this week. We have a partnership with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and every grade level K-8 goes on at least 3 park trips a year. The first one is Kindergarten helps get them familiar with the park and what jobs park rangers do. They got to see the rescue equipment and the cars.
This is one of my friends' kid. They all got to climb through the backseat.
4. Math Time
I bought Deanna Jump and DeeDee Wills's new math unit,
Guiding Kinders: Math Workshop Unit 1 this past weekend. This picture is from one of the activities in it, Match it. The kids picked out a number and built a tower. Then their partner had to build a matching tower. The kids had a blast.
5. Friday was payday, iced coffee Friday, and 2 pm dismissal due to a car show.
Of course, somehow I still didn't leave school until like 5:45. But I got a lot of stuff printed out, laminated, copied and plans done for next week.
Be sure to head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to check out the other Five for Fridays.

I had planned on being back tomorrow with my visual plans but I left my hard drive at school and I had a freebie so we'll see. I would love a little love!