I know I shared this picture on Friday, but it's my current favorite picture of me and my hubby.
I'm Kerri and I'm 33. I've been married for 2 years to Chris and we're expecting our first child in December. A little girl. I've entering my 11th year teaching, which I just can't believe. I taught 3 years as a 3rd grade self contained ELL teacher and loved every minute of it. But I missed my family and moved back to the mountains of East Tennessee. I've been at the same school I went to 7th and 8th grade for the past 7 years looping with kindergarten and first. I love my school I teach at. It is unique in so many ways. We're right downtown in a tourist town and we have a wide variety of students. My class the past few years has been over 1/3 ELL students and we have a variety of socioeconomic status. We also have a unique relationship with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and my kids get to go on a park field trip 3 times a year.
A few of my favorite things . . .
God, church, family especially my nieces, friends, reading, books, my local library, coffee, teaching, walking in the woods, the beach
If you weren't a teacher, what would you be . . .
a librarian (although that might be the same)
3 little words that describe you . . .
driven, loving, loyal
Finish this sentence "_________ said no teacher ever!!"
Sure, I'd love to give a test the first week of school.
It's your birthday and you can invite anyone dead or alive. Who would it be?
Chris's mom. She passed away before his senior year and I never knew her. I wish I did. My famous person I would invite is Agatha Christie. Love her writing!
If someone wrote a book about your live, what would the title be?
Life at Full Circle - I feel like my life has come full circle to some extent. I live in the town I went to high school in and am married to a friend from high school. I teach at the school I went to.
You get to pick a Superpower, what is it?
You think I would have this figured out. My hubby is a Geek and we have lots of superhero discussions. I sometimes feel like Penny, from Big Bang Theory. In fact, I found myself explaining something about Marvel, X-men, and Spiderman and their movies to these college kids in front of us in the movie theater. It was definitely a moment. I think I would like to be able to transport myself other places. I'm kind of borrowing from Harry Potter here. I have always wished I could apparate.
Favorite Quote or Saying:
I used to collect quotes in a journal which I'm sure I have somewhere. But now I collect quotes on Pinterest. So here a few of my faves.
If you had to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
No one would want me to sing on American Idol. I sing terrible. It would probably be something like "The Wheels on the Bus" or something like that.
Morning Person or Night Owl . . .
Morning person - I get tired in the afternoon and evening. Especially since I've been pregnant. I just can't do much in the evening
Favorite Resource on TPT . . .
It would have to be my Weekly Fluency Homework. This was a labor of love and I firmly believe in fluency practice for homework.
Something that you might not know about me . . .
I have no idea what to share here. I think a lot about starting my own school or mother's day out program. It is a thought I have that I continue to do what I love and have flexibility to be with my kiddo. I love teaching but it isn't something that lends itself that well to part time.
So that's all about me. Be sure to head over to Falling into First and check the party out.