1. First up is doing some shopping for my classroom from Creative Teaching Press. I was lucky enough to be part of a group of exclusive bloggers to check out their new back to school stuff. Well all that stuff went live a week or so ago. I am late to that party too. These past few weeks have been crazy and I'll explain a little more about it later in this post. But I'm planning on updating somethings using their chevron line.
I love these stickers and I think they'll be perfect for some back to school creating. Be sure to head over to CTP and find some great new things for your classroom.
2. Read! Read! Read! I've been stocking my kindle and my kindle wish list with new books this week in anticipation of the summer. Summer reading is one of my favorite things to do.
I recently purchased these books.
And pre-ordered these two.
The newest Stephanie Plum will be here just in time for my beach trip.
3. Enjoy some quality time with Chris at the beach. Last year we went to North Topsail Island in North Carolina and we are headed back again this year. We plan our vacation around our anniversary. So we'll be spending our 2nd anniversary at the beach again.
4. Spending time with nieces. For the past 2 summers I've kept my niece Sophie one day a week but now that my sister is working part time, I won't be keeping her officially. But I still plan to hang out as much as I can with my girls.
5. Finish catching up on Downton Abbey. I think I'm on Season 3. I want to have it all watched so I'll be ready for the new season when it comes out.
I also want to start watching this show on netflix. I've heard good things about it and mindless fun is what summer is all about.
6. Reading Outreach with our public library. Last summer my BFF Cassie and I started a reading program with our library that brought books out into our community. We plan on continuing that fun this summer and hopefully adding the component of checking books out. Bookmobile here we come!
7. Getting materials ready for a new year. I haven't created anything new for TPT in quite a while. I have some projects I've started on but I haven't finished. Then because I loop, I'll be moving up to First grade. So I'll need to get on making some materials to go with our Journeys series in first grade. My fluency homework for kindergarten has been my best seller. I hope to do something similar for First grade. You can check out my kindergarten one here.
8. Just relaxing and doing not much of anything. I live in the most beautiful place so I plan to take walks and bike rides around my house.
9. Get my craft on. I have pinned all kinds of crafty things and I can't remember the last time I did a craft project. I have been working on a blanket for a while and I'd like to get it finished. I'd also like to get to my sewing machine back out.
You can check out my craft board here and my sewing board here.
10. Lastly and definitely not least, my biggest project this summer is going to be take our guest room and get it ready to be turned into a nursery! Chris and I are expecting our first baby in December. Currently our guest room is full of all kinds of stuff. I had to clean it way out when Chris and I got married and it's time to clean it out even more. I don't know what I'm going to do with all my books. We are thinking of a Hawaiian theme for the nursery. It would work for both a girl or a boy. We have some pictures and a Hawaiian quilt we can hang in there from our Honeymoon. We couldn't be more excited about our news. I have felt pretty yucky the past few weeks and so exhausted which is why I haven't been blogging and have been late to all the parties.
So that's my plan for the summer. We'll see how it goes. I loved my class this year and I'll have them again next year but I'm so ready for this break!
Be sure to head over to Deanna's blog and check out what everyone else is up to.