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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Five for Friday!

I really had intentions of blogging during the week this week but we were way too busy and I was way too tired. I'm sure I'm not the only one suffering through the time change. Hate losing an hour but love having the daylight. I took this past week off social media, specifically Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. It is just something I needed to do for myself. I'm continuing it for another week. I haven't missed it as much as I thought I would. Well until last night when Chris was watching something I wasn't interested in on tv. I ended up reading a little bit. Anyway, here are five pictures from this week. (No one has seen them since I haven't been on Instagram.)

1. Sunday Ck was christened. My sister asked me to be her Godmother so I got to stand up there for the deal. 

2. This is from one of my after school tutoring. I tutor on Tuesdays and Thursdays for about 45 minutes. Sometimes I wish I was done for the day but then when I start working with the kids I love it! I love working one on one or in a small group on specific skills. This is from Marsha at differentiated kindergarten's word family packs. By far one of my most favorite products!

3. During fourth grade buddies this week, we finished up our Horton Hears a Who projects. They turned put really cute. 

4. Here is one of our centers this past week. It is from the pokey pinning pack from From the Pond. My kids love these.

5. We planted tomato seeds last week and I wasn't all that confident they would grow. I have a black thumb. But the master Gardeners that came knew what they were doing. THey have grown a lot. I think the plastic wrap that created a mini greenhouse is the key.

So that is my five for Friday! Be sure to head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching and check out everyone else's Five for Friday! We're off to do some hiking this morning. I'm hoping tomorrow to get some blogging done. It is suppose to rain so I'll have to be inside!

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