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Friday, February 14, 2014

Five for Friday

This post is brought to you by snow day #13. That leaves us with 2 more snow days before . . . Well I'm really not sure what will happen if we go over these days. I think it has only happened once since I've been working in this county. And I think the days were forgiven. Not really sure. But I do know that I am over snow. According to our 10 day forecast there are sunny and 60 degree days in our future. I am so excited!
I do have some pictures to show from our week even though we were only at school 2 days. So I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday party. 
1. I tried out something new during read to self. I made some slides to use on my promethean board to allow the kids a place to record things the found while reading. You can get the freebie here. 

2. My new water bottle I ordered.  I melted the lid of my old bottle in the dishwasher. I got on Amazon to order a lid and just decided to Order a whole new bottle. It's so pretty. I do pretty well with drinking my water when I use a straw and my water bottle.

3.I just recently got all of Deanna Jump's Chit Chat Messages. I imported the PDF into a promethean flipcharts and then moved the slide I wanted into my morning meeting chart. This is the only one I got to use this week because of the short week. But the kids did well with it. It was a good wY to review our letter of the week.

4. I am loving letting my kids take pictures of their centers when they are done. It keeps them accountable and it gives me pictures of what we are working on. These are a couple of our centers. The sight words are in the sensory table with rice and beans. They match them up to make words. One of our math centers is measuring monsters with a heart ruler. I think both these activities came from Deanna Jump's love Tweet love centers.

5. Last is my obligatory niece picture. Monday I had to go to the doctor and we made it a family affair. My sister, mom and nieces all went too and we stopped at Target. So it was CK's first trip to Target. She slept through the whole thing.

So that is a summary of my short week. Be sure to head over to Doodle bugs Teaching and check out the party.
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Kerri,

    Your niece is a cutie! Love the sight word hearts. AND 13 snow days?! My goodness!! Are you in school into July now??

    The Land of I Can

  2. We just missed day # 11. Have to make up our first day on Monday. I think even my students are tired of snow here in Greene Co. Hope you don't loose Spring Break. Not sure what the county in between us is going to do. Those poor things have a bunch of days to make up. I guess I'll find out when I talk my teacher BF Sunday. Enjoy your day!
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms
