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Monday, October 28, 2013

Math Monday: Pete the Cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons

I'm back again this week with another math Monday. I know I'm impressed I'm making it two weeks in a row with a feature. Hopefully I can keep it up. My kids love Pete the Cat. It could be because their teacher loves Pete the Cat. I've made it my mission to introduce Pete to all the kids in my life. (I have 2 nieces but several adopted nieces and nephews.) We read a couple of Pete books to start the year off and when the number 4 came up in our math series, I knew it was the perfect time to introduce the kids to Pete and his 4 groovy buttons. We read the story and acted out the story a couple of times the day before. I cut out some buttons and the kids helped me show how they popped off.

We used words like whole and part. The kids that were the buttons that popped off went over to one side of me so the kids could see the two parts.
The next day we read the book again and acted it out. Then I passed the kids out a button sheet to record the different ways to make 4. I had kids come up act out the story as we recorded our problems on a sheet.

I used the document sleeve I received from mybinding.com to record the different ways to make 4. I used red and orange to color the buttons and show the different parts. Then recorded the parts with numbers.  I had this displayed on my board using my document camera and the students followed along. You can click here to get your own copy of the sheet. 
I love using literature to teach math. What are some of your favorite books to use when teaching math? Leave me a comment with your favorite books. 

1 comment:

  1. Kerri, wow! I simply love Pete the Cat too! I even have Pete the Cat books and CD's in my Listening Center. I just got the new one about Pete's sunglasses. To go along with your button theme, I like the book "The Button Box" to teach sorting and classifying. In fact, I just put up a blog post today with a whole carousel of my favorite sorting and classifying books, as well as some really nice freebies. Come by if you can! :)

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT
    Teaching with Sight
