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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Math Madness

I did a great job early in the week last week of blogging but then it just went downhill. We got really busy. Thursday night Chris and I went to  Gideon's dinner. He's a Gideon and I'm so proud of him for that. We are the youngest usually by about 20 years but we have a good time. My biggest issue is I'm never sure what to wear. Then Friday I spent the day with my mom and niece. Saturday was my mom's birthday so she got Friday off work. I took a personal day and we had a lot of fun. My niece is a mess. She stayed the night at my parents' Friday night and we had some more fun Saturday. It was so beautiful this weekend I had a hard time being inside and on the computer. So now that I've been to church, grocery store, went on a long walk and got all my fruit and veggies ready for the week, I'm ready to sit down and blog.(I am trying to work on having healthier eating habits and the only way I do well with this is to get ready on Sunday.)  I also created a freebie for you at the end of this post.
I wanted to share a few things I'm using with math that I am really loving. They are products I've purchased that I couldn't be happier with.
This first one is from Jen at The Teachers' Cauldron. It's here Tasty Facts - Addition and Subtraction. 

I organized a notebook with all the facts for addition and subtraction. With the addition facts, they are working on earning an ice cream sundae. We've been working on them for a couple of months now and all but 4 of my students have earned a sundae. They have this week and part of next to earn it. She has a variety of ways to let the kids keep track of their sundae. I just printed the paper that she had labeled as an example and let the kids color it. Once they earned it, they cut it out and put it together. The ones that earned ice cream are now moving on to subtraction. For the subtraction tests, they are working on earning a pizza party. I think what I'm going to do for this is let them make english muffin pizzas in a toaster oven. We're not really allowed to order pizza for the class plus I thought it would be fun.
Another unit that I'm in love with is Math Attack: First Grade Common Core Math Mega Pack from A year of Many Firsts. So I bought this as part of the cyber Monday sale and was in love with it and then kind of forgot about it until just last week. We were working on word problems and my kids were struggling with what operation to use when. So I started looking through all my files and remembered that I had this one. It has so many good things in it, I am just scratching the surface. I printed out all her word problems. I gave each pair a word problem and had them solve it and then present it under the document camera. (I forgot to take pictures.) They did a great job with this. We are working through the rest of them as a class.

These are her two characters that she uses to help kids with addition and subtraction. I put them up in hopes that it would help the kids remember what operation to use when. I'm sure I'll be posting more from this unit as the year goes on. Tomorrow I have an evaluation and I'm planning on doing a math lesson. We've been working on adding 3 digits so I made a little scoot game to go with it.
So click the link under the picture and pick up your freebie.
What are some math things that are working great in your classroom right now? Please leave me some comment love especially if you download my freebie. 

1 comment:

  1. omgosh - I LOVE your display board! and that's exactly how I organize my quizzes to :)
    Thank you for sharing!
    And, YES! You should move those kiddos on!! I love seeing how far kids can go...I hate making any kid miss out on opportunities that could better him/her. Hope that helps! :)
