About Me

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tell Me Something Good

I saw this linky party over at Rowdy in First Grade last week and wanted to link up. But after my afternoon yesterday, I decided I needed it. My doctor's appointment didn't go so well about my knee. I have a torn ACL and a torn meniscus, no cartilage left in my knee which is causing arthritis. The short term is actually not that bad. They are just wanting to repair my meniscus which is a minimally invasive surgery. But the long term is not so hot. I'm looking at dealing with knee problems for the rest of my life and no more running for me.
On top of not a great diagnosis, the doctor was kind of rude and and he and Chris kind of had a little argument. So I think we'll be getting a second opinion sometime soon. With all that said, I need to focus on the positive.
Something good at school:
My kids are sounding out or stretching out words like crazy. Some of them it is like things are finally clicking. They are doing a great job building stamina with daily 5. Couldn't be happier with how they are doing.
Something good at home:
I have the best husband. I know I know. I've said it every time I have had the chance. But he really is. He was right with me at the doctor yesterday which I needed. We waited for like 2 hours and he was supportive the whole time. Plus he took me to eat dinner last night because I needed some cheering up. He came up with some alternate goals for me since I can longer have the goal of running a half marathon.
Anyway, I needed to focus on the positive today. Check out Rowdy in First Grade for other positive posts.


  1. :( I hope your knee surgery/recovery goes well. I would definitely get a second opinion. It sounds like you got a keeper...what a sweet husband!

  2. I'm so sorry. I find the positive is best when situations suck. I can't wait to build up my class's reading stamina! You rock!!

  3. I'm sorry to hear the knee diagnosis isn't that great. I would be frustrated if I couldn't run too. I'm glad your hubby is helping you think of some alternatives. Swimming maybe?
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. So sorry to hear about your knee! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. A doctor told me a few years ago that I was not build to run since then I have done more triathlons and 5Ks than I did before. So sometimes they do get it wrong. Love to hear about the stretching out words. It is a beautiful thing!

    Apples and Papers
