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Saturday, May 5, 2012

May Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for the May Currently linky party. When I started seeing everyone posting their currently, all I could think was it was May already. Check out the linky here. If you haven't ever participated in this linky you should. It's tons of fun.

Ok I better get off the computer and get some stuff done today. We had a shower last week and I still have all our presents out on the table. We have another shower tomorrow so I should probably get this stuff put away. Plus since I've been sick my house is a hot mess and there is laundry piled up. Oh the joys of being a grown up. Happy Saturday!


  1. I'm with you on the "needing" section...really I'm getting off right now...
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

  2. There seems to be a lot of nasty viruses out there. Get better and stay well.

    rubber boots and elf shoes

  3. As you are on the mend to getting better, hop on over to my blog and check out my linky party, Make A Difference Mondays. www.mariadismondy.com/blog I think you would make a great addition to the party!!! :) Maria

  4. Ok, I have a stupid question because I'm new to blogging and blogger is not always my friend. I can copy the Linky image and paste it to my post and I can copy my post's URL to join the party, but how do I get my comments on the Currently image? This is frustrating me to no end! Thanks for any help you can give me!
    Funtastic Fun in First Grade
