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Monday, May 14, 2012

Randomness and a freebie

I have no idea what I'm going to blog about today. I just knew I wanted to share a freebie for Manic Monday on Classroom Freebies. It isn't that I don't have things to blog about. I'm just not in the best mental state right now. I'm a little overwhelmed by the end of the year stuff and the fact that my wedding is less than 5 weeks away. I know I'm not the only one who is overwhelmed right now. We have 10 more days of school. I'm trying to keep things as normal as possible but it's hard to do with kindergarten graduation practice and having to turn in all library items. And the fact that my kids are acting like they have lost their minds. I woke up this morning determined to have a good attitude and to have a good day. So here are 5 great things:
1. Summer is less than 3 weeks away.
2. I'm marrying my best friend in less than 5 weeks.
3. I finally have my voice back.
4. I already did the last school newsletter article for Kindergarten last week. One less thing on my to do list.
5. My kids have made huge progress since the beginning of the year. I think Daily 5 has changed my teaching for good.
Thanks for listening to me go on about negative things. I try not to but sometimes I need to let it all out. One more questions, I loved the discussion last week about math and common core. I have about 2 week left and I'm trying to figure out what to focus on in math. I haven't touched time and it's not part of common core. I'll have my kids again next year. I  can't decide if I want to touch on time a little or review addition and subtraction. What do you think?
Here's a completely unrelated freebie.
Rainbow Sight Words

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Wow! I can imagine you are overwhelmed! That is a lot to have going on. All very exciting though! Thanks for sharing your freebie! I am your newest follower! Stop by some time!

    Wizard of Boz


  2. Wow! I can imagine you are overwhelmed! That is a lot to have going on. All very exciting though! Thanks for sharing your freebie! I am your newest follower! Stop by some time!

    Wizard of Boz


  3. Holy cow! You're one busy lady! Good luck keeping your sanity, I'm sure Kinder graduation will go well, and it's so exciting to hear the success you've experienced with Daily 5! You're blog is very cute:) Think happy thoughts, summer is almost here!

    We are ALL Special!

  4. Hey, look at the positive...only 5 weeks until wedding bliss :)

    You can do it!

    Fun in Room 4B

  5. I hope everything goes well with your wedding! I am your newest follower! :)

  6. I know it is overwhelming, but you'll get through it!! Trust.

    Tales From a Traveling Teacher
