About Me

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring break is over!

I'm riding in the car on my way back from Nashville and I'm so sad spring break is coming to an end. But I had a great week and a great get together with other TN bloggers. It was wonderful to meet fellow bloggers. I loved being able to talk about the bloggy exchange and the person I was talking to didn't think I was nut for sending someone I don't know a present. It was fun to talk about blogging stuff and others know what you were talking about. The underwear bandit in Jennifer from Herding Kats might have been discussed. This meet up only confirmed what I already knew. There are some wonderful, supportive and generous teachers out there. I plan to give a shout out to everyone and a couple of new bloggers on the block sometime this week. But I'm doing this post on my phone and I haven't finished my plans for next week and i'm going to be out Tuesday to see Dr. Jean so it might be a few days before I get all my pictures together.
I did reach my goal of 200 followers today. I'm hoping to do a good giveaway so if you would be interested in participating leave me a comment. Hopefully I can get it together before the weekend. Happy Sunday night!


  1. Congratulations on reaching your goal!! I'd love to participate in your giveaway :)

  2. Congratulations! I'd love to participate!
    Wild about Teaching!

  3. Congrats and I'm glad to hear your meeting went well.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. I'd love to participate in your giveaway. Pick anything from my store and let me know what you want me to send!



    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  5. Yay! So glad you reached 200 followers! Also, glad you made it home safely. I want to get together like EVERY weekend!! =)

    Kinder Kraziness

  6. Congratulations! Have fun with Dr. Jean!

  7. Yay for 200!! You're so lucky to see Dr.Jean!! :)

  8. Your get together sounded very fun. Teachers are the best and Cyber teachers are amazing. Have a good week. We are off on our Spring Break this week.
