About Me

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Sunshine Award

I was feeling stressed and tired when I woke up this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. This week has been exhausting. Trying to finish report card assessments, report cards, a training day, parent conferences, a middle school basketball game, church. Just a lot going on and this time of year it just keeps getting busier. So what finally got me out of bed this morning was Lori from Cacheymama's email telling me she had awarded me the sunshine award. It was needed. I love doing this whole blogging thing. I feel more creative and more into teaching than I have in a long time. But I'm also running myself to death trying to do new things and constantly readjusting my thinking and teaching. So it feels nice to have some think my little blog is worthy of an award.
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. And pass the award to 10~12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

My answers to the questions:

  • Favorite color? Purple
  • Favorite animal? Butterfly Usually by the end of the 2 years with me, my girls in my class are obsessed with purple and butterflies. Their parents are driven crazy by it.
  • Favorite number? 9
  • Favorite drink? Diet Coke, coffee, Chai tea, peppermint mochas from Starbucks (I can't just pick one. I drink all day long something.) 
  • Facebook or Twitter? Both. I like Facebook for keeping up with what's going on in the life of those I love and care about. I like Twitter for amusement.
  • Your passion? Sharing Christ with others and helping youth to develop and grown in their relationship with God. Reading and teaching students to read. I love to learn and I want so much for my students to love to learn as well. I also love my family and friends. I would do anything for those that I love.
  • Giving or getting presents? I love getting the perfect present for someone.
  • Favorite day? Sundays - I love spending time with my church family and my boyfriend Chris and I usually get some quality time in on Sunday.
Now on to nominate other blogs. This is the hard part.
I tried to pick different blogs for this one than I did for the Blogs on Fire Award. There are so many wonderful  blogs out there by such wonderful teachers. These are ones that I've used a lot of ideas from or have been super helpful as I'm trying to explore this blogging world. 


  1. You're welcome. You deserve it, I can tell you work hard on your blog and so glad you appreciate it :) Keep it up!!!

  2. Congratulations! You so deserve this award.
    Have a restful Thanksgiving break.
