About Me

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, Monday!

I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with a good teaching friend. She and I started teaching together 8 years ago (I think.) We've both been at different schools and had different jobs since then but it's so fun how you can be away from someone for a while and nothing really change. Because she was here and I forgot my school laptop at school, I didn't get my s flipchart done until tonight. If you would like to download it, click here. You have to have the active inspire software to download and use it. I wish I knew how to make it in other formats for those without the software but I don't know.
Tomorrow we go on our second field trip. I'm pretty excited. It's usually the kids' favorite. It focuses on using their five senses and they get to see the talking chimney. Hopefully I'll have a few pictures to share later this week. We've been talking a little about our five senses and I'd love to do some of those cool projects I've seen in blog land. I especially like the projects over at Pencils, Glue and Tying Shoes. Since it's s week, we're going to do some science from Deanna Jump's science kit about spiders. I can't wait.
One last random thought, I'm at 43 followers and have decided once I reach 50 I'm going to have a giveaway. My new favorite store to get all stuff wonderful and teaching related to help me with ideas from blogs is Dollar Tree. So when I get to 50 followers, I'll be giving away a $10.00 give card for Dollar Tree. So spread the word. Hope you had a happy Monday.

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